Heritage & Historical building refurbishment

Bric design are expert in providing structural reports, advice, and structural design for buildings of historical importance (and Listed Buildings). We are currently working on a set of Listed boatyard buildings, with the oldest part dating back to circa.1830. 

Brewer's building

 This chain of four buildings in Exeter curremtly lie unused, except for the ground floor on one side, which is used by a brewery. One of the buildings date back to circa 1830, with historical uses including a boatyard jailer house and an ice factory. Proposals are to open the floors above the brewer to create public spaces, and to create shared offices in the two unused buildings. 

Bric design have provided a report, with supporting calculations, to show the suitability of the existng structure for use as a public space. It is envisaged that structural works will ultimately involve the creation of new floor voids to allow new feature staircases to rise through the full height of the buildings. 

Lord Palmerston Public House

Public House extension and renovation in Seven Sisters (N15). Classified as a 'Building of Interest' in the Clyde Circus conservation area, Bric have recently overseen opening up works allowing the team to unpick and understand layers of previous alterations to the building. The team are now developing design proposals that provide a new kitchen space, reordered toilets, and new access to the rear garden.